ኒው ዮርክ

የጉዞ ማስታወሻዎች ኒው ዮርክ

አዲስ እና ተለይተው የቀረቡ የጉዞ ብሎጎች ኒው ዮርክ


Family Graduation Trip Pauline 2022

Day 11: Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island & Harbor Lights Cruise

We visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, and enjoy the Manhattan skyline on the Harbor Light...

Day 10: Welcome to New York!

Through Manhattan and enjoy the view from the Empire State Building during the day and at night!

Week 2: Animals, Art, and Water Masses

From Pennsylvania to the Finger Lakes to Niagara Falls.

NY፣ ደበደቡት!

የመጨረሻው ቀን በመቶዎች በሚቆጠሩ ግንዛቤዎች።

ወደ ገጠር እና ከፍ ያለ።

በማዕከላዊ ፓርክ እና ኢምፓየር ግዛት ግንባታ መካከል።

Week 1: Arrival in New York City, Amish Country, and Washington DC

First long-haul flight with a baby, bad weather in NYC followed by peace and country life in Amish C...

አስቀድሜ እዚህ ነኝ። 🦔

5 1/2 ማንሃታንን ውሰዱ

Day 2: Shopping until you drop 😜💸

10 hours of shopping frenzy at the Woodbury Premium Outlet

Tag 1: Welcome to JFK and Jones Beach State Park

After hours of immigration at JFK, we relax on the beach at Jonas Beach State Park

All good things come in threes - right???

On the 3rd attempt it just HAS to work out!!!

2nd attempt - will it work this time?

Thanks to Corona, it also won't work with the NY trip on the 2nd attempt

I have never been to New York...

I have never been to New York - and that will probably remain so for now