

የታተመ: 13.03.2020

Today we treated Manda for the last time.

Around 1 pm, the children prepared a small thanksgiving celebration for us. They thanked us with chants and made a card for each team member.😍

It was very touching and even the children and us shed tears. The children were very affectionate and already knew us by name.

After lunch, we started packing. In total, we had to safely store 16 suitcases full of materials and instruments, etc. for the further transportation.

Tomorrow morning at 6 am, we will be picked up. We will then go 180 km east to the Canal de Palangales / Akanin 'Nofy. The transportation will take about 10 hours. About 7 hours by bus, then transfer to an off-road vehicle, and then transfer to boats (another 1.5 hours). We will be very well accommodated there at the 'Bushhouse'.

A total of 30 suitcases will need to be transported from there.

From there, we will go to 5 villages on the Canal de Palangales for about 10 minutes each day. The people there live very secluded in village communities, speak their own dialect, and have usually never seen white people before.

They are taken care of, among others, by 'Boogie Pilgrim', who will also accompany us, translate for us, and organize for us.

(Water, power generator, tables, fire pit, ...)

All of this sounds very exciting and we are looking forward to this special mission.

Unfortunately, there will probably be no internet there.

Vivi from Boogie Pilgrim, who was with us yesterday, said: there would be internet on top of the hill, so we'll see.

Best regards to everyone in Corona- Land 😔

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Liebe Ellis , für die nächste Herausforderung wünsche n wir euch viel Glück und passt gut auf euch auf. Glg Dagmar und Thomas 😘

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