
Different countries, different customs

የታተመ: 08.08.2016

Not only the Fika is sacred here, but also the Sunday afternoon together. While in Germany we like to spend Sunday on the couch or relaxed in the garden, here it's all about action. While part of the family is busy with the popular sport 'Orientering' (exploring new paths in the forest with a compass), I joined the other part and took part in a traditional 'Lakerun'. Regularly (in summer) the family gathers to run (about 4 km) to the nearby lake (as a competition) and swim there... Since I wanted to go jogging anyway, it fit well... One person (the least athletic 😉) took the time, sent the runners off one after the other (at intervals of 2-5 minutes) and then drove to the lake by car to receive the runners there. The time of each runner was noted and depending on the placement, it was determined who would get which starting position next time. I was able to secure 2nd place (out of 6) and will therefore start second to last in the next race 😅

As if that wasn't enough for one day, I also got to know a favorite activity of the Swedes after the race! Eating pizza!! Apparently, there are no Italian pizza makers here and depending on the region, Swedish pizzas are typical. (They taste like our pizzas, but were strangely topped with chicken, curry sauce or French fries 🙈) Apparently, every Swede swears by the pizza creations in their region - for me, that was crazy to hear :D To celebrate the day, we even had a cola with the pizza! Due to the high prices of drinks here, you usually have to settle for tap water or milk. However, since the water is typically sulfuric in taste, I find it hard to get used to!

Otherwise, not much has happened in the past few days or I just can't think of it right now. There was the usual work on the farm and a few training sessions with the foal 'Annie' - my goal is to be able to lead her with a halter when I drive again :)


የጉዞ ሪፖርቶች ስዊዲን

ተጨማሪ የጉዞ ሪፖርቶች