
የታተመ: 10.05.2022

If you look at a map, you might think that Bordeaux is very close to the Atlantic Ocean. That's not quite the case, but still, a trip from here to the coast is definitely worth it. Especially now, at the beginning of May, when the sun is shining so beautifully that the sea seems to be calling us.

Just a short one-hour train ride on a regional train and you're in Arcachon, a coastal resort. The train departs hourly from Bordeaux and all we need to do is follow our fellow passengers and we're already on the beach promenade after a short walk.

Right there, we are greeted by a giant Ferris wheel. A view from the top is ideal for getting an overview. So we hop on right away and during our ride, we are actually the only (!) guests. We spent 7 euros per person for that, which I think is a reasonable price.

What we see from above impresses us: very long sandy beaches, which are also nearly deserted. That's why we immediately take a long stroll along the beach. The water is warm enough to walk through the shallow waves with bare feet. But it's still too cold for a full swim.

Seldom have we seen such a clean and well-maintained beach. The only thing missing are seagulls, there are none here. Interesting.

After five hours of walking and strolling, we head back to the train station to catch the regional train back.

We have no idea what awaits us: after our relaxed journey in the morning, now people are crowding all the way to the door. We have the impression that we can barely fit in, but there are still more people coming in behind us.

What was so spread out on the beach before is now just a crowd of people. The short train with its few cars simply can't handle it. On top of that, there are countless bicycles among the people.

But what seemed full to us is topped at the following stops. Countless travelers try to board, but often it's not possible. For these unlucky ones, it means waiting for the next train for another hour...

In hindsight, I can say that the ride in the sardine can was somehow funny. Without exception, all the French people were in a good mood, nice to each other, and helped each other. When the door opened, they shouted 'Complet' outside, but then they still helped one or two travelers to get on board. Suitcases were passed over heads, just like a child who urgently needed the toilet. There was applause and even 'Bravo' calls when someone wanted to get off.

Due to my nonexistent knowledge of French, I didn't understand much, but laughter and joking can be understood by everyone.

Perhaps we were just traveling at the wrong time: it was Sunday afternoon, which means we were with all the weekend excursionists and commuters.

Still, I can recommend a trip to Arcachon to everyone! Look at the beautiful pictures, it really is that beautiful there.


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