Welcome to hell

የታተመ: 17.03.2023

And then there are days like today.

Where you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time due to misinformation from the hotel, causing the only available bus to the place where you wanted to go to be gone. The bus station says it will be back in 5 minutes, but the taxi driver thinks you can catch it. And then, two hours later, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere without any drinks or food, after having to pay most of your money and being ripped off about 300 times, and you are 70km away from the nearest reasonable bus stop. The bus never arrived where it was supposed to.

After a (short) crisis, you drive back halfway and wait again in the middle of nowhere at a bus stop, for a bus that will at least take you in the right direction. Suddenly, the right bus to the right place is right in front of you.

During the journey, you realize that the bus is taking the longest possible route and stopping at every small village. By the way, I still haven't had anything to eat or drink, the journey took 6 hours longer than planned, and it cost about 50 times (I wish I were exaggerating, but bye bye monthly rent).

Oh yeah, I haven't seen a toilet for almost 11 hours. Oh yeah, and then there was the little tropical storm that I stumbled into when getting off the bus, which completely soaked me and my backpack. And let's not forget the little bus raid, where we all had to get off and were searched in a row for drugs. The little dog that did most of the work was treated pretty poorly by its owner (happy 1312 at this point). However, the relatively immense presence of weapons prevented me from directing more than just mental wishes for the future towards him.

At least I managed to get something to drink in the meantime.

The little things and all that. On the way here, there was simply a scale replica of a T-Rex standing in a meadow. Without any explanation. Well.

I was in San José for the past two days, but there is really nothing noteworthy to tell about the city. Some buildings looked nice, but that was pretty much the only thing I liked there :D

And my bed here is wider than it is long. The place (from what I could see in the pouring rain) looked like a place where you could easily spend a lot of money in a very pleasant way. Starting tomorrow morning, I'll be at the beach 🏝️


የጉዞ ሪፖርቶች ኮስታሪካ

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