On the road again
On the road again

12.05.2023 Child care project

የታተመ: 12.05.2023

I was supposed to be outside with the lego today but I asked Geraldine if I could stay in the homework room again since we can use the tables there and don't get in the way of anybody playing sports outside.
She said that I am completly in charge of the lego and can go where I want to go, so I prepared the homework room for lego time.
I managed to finish a few lego figures that I had been working on. Though they probably won't survive the next week.
Except for one airplane that one of the kids hid all the way back of the staff room to make sure it stays safe 'forever'.
There were a lot of kids at the lego table and many got sad when I told them that today was my last day. They asked where I was going and where the heck Iceland was.
Also many were confused that I didn't actually live in Ireland but came from switzerland, even though I had mentioned that multiple times.
And a lot of kids asked if I was coming back and when I told them probably no or that it would take a long time, they asked how many weeks it was goind to take.
Like 2weeks or 4weeks?
Darwin, a little 6year old girl, said that the least I could do is stay until she turns 12.
I stayed longer today, playing tag with the kids that hadn't gone home yet and I also got a bunch of goodbye cards. From Izzy, Bronag, Darwin, Kira, Alice, Sophie
Geraldine said that it was going to be hard to fill my shoes since nobody was building lego that good and many of the kids were going to miss me.
It was in the end more emotional to say goodbye than I thought. Not all the kids understand why I got to leave at all or why I won't be able to just come back.
Some kids didn't let go of me until I was all the way out the door.
I will miss them.
Back home I started packing and played a final round of poker with svea and hanah. That lasted 3hrs without any of us actually losing all their money.
A good ending.
Tomorrow I will take the bus to dublin at 12:00 where I am going to stay for one more night before taking the plane on sunday directly to Iceland.

መልስ (2)

Hallo Nick, wat lief dat je kaartjes van de kinderen hebt gekregen, kan goed begrijpen dat ze je zullen missen. Goede reis naar Dublin en op naar de volgende uitdaging Knuffel Oma xxx

Wat lief die kaartje en complimenten...super Nick