
Our icy travel companion

የታተመ: 26.02.2020

The month of February is coming to an end and paving the way for our big trip. Even though we've been sitting on packed backpacks for weeks, we're only now starting to feel how 'serious' it is:

- our household has moved out and has settled well in our temporary home- Magda is a legalized 'homeless' - our apartment now brings joy to a young family - we wake up in unfamiliar surroundings in the morning, almost like traveling (a big thank you to our host family =) )

After a detour to Magda's hometown for her firm-Döde's birthday, the three of us will start crossing the Atlantic on Sunday. The three of us??? Yes, that's right: for a few weeks now, our new friend has been accompanying us in our trip preparations. Let him introduce himself: 'Hello new friends! I'm Olaf and I love hugs.' ;-) ... Since he helped us sooo much, we decided to take Olaf - many of you probably know him, even if the Ice Queen didn't leave as many traces in Germany this year - with us on our trip.

¡Hasta pronto Germany! 

Magda & Carsten


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