
'Stage' 15: Santiago de Compostela - Finisterre

የታተመ: 24.09.2024

Today was our last full day together...

In the morning, after several minutes in a phone loop, we called a taxi to Finisterre. After a somewhat turbulent ride, we arrived around 11 am. We checked into our Airbnb and then went shopping. Bernat cooked today - we had a paella-inspired vegetarian rice dish :) I chopped vegetables while Arturo took care of the appetizer (Queso con Membrillo, Jamón, Salami, Baguette, and small clams). Everything was very delicious!

After lunch, we took a little relaxation/massage break before Ronja and Noah said their goodbyes as they headed to their own Airbnb. In the afternoon, Arturo, Bernat, and I took a short break while Simon explored the city a bit.

At around 6:15 pm, we set off for the lighthouse (about 3 km mostly uphill). This was also the final stage of the Camino from Santiago to Finisterre. Along the way, I searched for a few geocaches and found 2 out of 3. At the second one, I had to give up 40 meters from the goal due to the very dense vegetation...🙈

The visibility was unfortunately not good at all, which somewhat hindered our actual plan - to watch the sunset from the lighthouse at the 'end of the world'. However, we had plenty of time there to take some (or more) pictures at all sorts of places 😁

After a small snack in the dim light, we had a drink at the bar before heading back.

This return journey felt much shorter, probably because we mostly spent the time listening to music and singing 🎵.

Back in Finisterre, we all gathered briefly for a late-night snack. Noah and Ronja had to say goodbye to Arturo, as he won't be returning with us to Santiago tomorrow.

For the other 5 of us, our paths will part tomorrow afternoon in Santiago, as Simon is flying home from there, Noah and Ronja from Madrid, and Bernat and I from Porto.

Today was a really lovely final day, rounding off the end of the Camino and our (at least on the last stages) shared journey.

I am very grateful for everyone who has accompanied me on my way so far, no matter how many kilometers or hours it was in the hostel.

But I am especially thankful for my little Camino family - the 5 people who have grown very dear to me on the last stages. It has been a great honor to spend the last days with you. We have experienced so much, laughed so much, eaten so well, and of course walked a lot. But in the group with you, it was practically a child’s play 🙂. THANK YOU!

Tomorrow, I have a half day full of bus rides ahead to get back to Porto. I will stay there for one more night before my flight home on Thursday morning.

Good night from the end of the world!



የጉዞ ሪፖርቶች ስፔን