Fujiiiiiii :3

የታተመ: 29.08.2017

Weather looks good, two days off in a row. So I bought another Hakone Free Pass and off we go! On the first day, I went to Lake Ashi and from there I could already see Mount Fuji. Finally! So I got on the pirate ship and crossed to the other side. From there, I took the cable car to the Hell Valley with the smell of sulfur. I finally got to see that too :) On the way back, I visited a couple of stone-carved Buddhas and was kindly driven back to the lake by a Japanese couple. They thought I missed the bus (I did, but it comes every 15 minutes :D). So I got to use my Japanese again and I hitched a ride in a fat SUV ;)

The next day, I went to the Otome Pass to get an even better view of Fuji. It worked! Now I can finally die in peace. Just kidding :D I'll still be around. Even though the little fat guy from North Korea thinks he has to launch missiles all the time. Luckily, the Japanese have defense systems. Even though it seems that today's missile was quite surprising.


የጉዞ ሪፖርቶች ጃፓን