
Nuwe en uitgestalde reisblogs Shandong

Day 13: With headwind from Penglai to Yantai

We are approaching Yantai's beaches...

Day 12: Continue to Penglai on the Yellow Sea

We leave Bohai Bay behind us and reach the tourist/historic Penglai…

Day 11: Glowing from Laizhou to Longkou

We are nearing the end of the Bohai Bay and pause for a day due to rain...

Day 8 - 10: From Kenli to Laizhou along the Bohai Bay

We continue to the southernmost part of Bohai Bay during the warmest season...

Day 5 to 7: From Qikou to Kenli via the Yellow River

We are getting closer and closer to our next destination, the Yellow River, and it will take us thre...