
Dream beach!

Gepubliseer: 23.11.2017

We decide next for the famous Palolem beach. I search for hours for a suitable hotel (no hotel has consistently positive reviews). In the end, we decide on a hotel near the beach where we have our own little hut with a hammock in front... nice!
We arrive relaxed, for once we treat ourselves to a taxi for 20 francs. Our hotel is not easy to find. Passing by houses made of tarpaulins and metal plates, into a small side street with garbage, sick dogs, garbage-eating pigs and clucking chickens. We have a bad feeling...
But our hotel is beautiful, clean and everywhere there are plants and palm trees. We really have our own little hut. The walls are made of plywood panels and the roof is made of fabric, the bathroom is not luxurious like everywhere else in India. But it is clean, spacious, offers plenty of storage space and a huge bed with mosquito net. I feel very comfortable in the hammock in front of our hut.
Just a few meters away and we are at the dream beach. A bay of golden sand surrounded by tall palm trees and a small island in front. Beautiful. (Only the water is not clear)
We meet two women from Holland and Germany. After we met an American woman we knew from Anjuna, we decided to go to the silent disco in the evening. But before that, we had a delicious dinner.
During this time, a crazy scene unfolded. An Englishman and the police are standing in front of the restaurant. He looks frightened and asks us for the number of the British Consulate. He tells us that he was hit by a tuk-tuk driver and then the driver also hit him. After a long back and forth with the police and the man (he has to go to the hospital because he has a strangely bent elbow), a friend of his appears and tells us that he rode into the tuk-tuk with his scooter and hit the driver... drunk, of course... After the man was treated, his only punishment was to pay 150 euros to the driver and leave Palolem. Tourists are treated well in India.
Freshly showered, we make our way to the silent disco. It's a bit off the beaten track and the path leads over rocks and stones. We pay 9 francs entrance fee per person including headphones, on which we can choose between three DJs. Using colored lights, you can see which DJ someone is currently listening to. The concept is great. No discussions about who wants to hear what, and if you want to have a conversation, you simply take off the headphones. If you get bored, you just have to watch the people on the dance floor sing along loudly and completely off-key.
Because we like Palolem so much, I immediately book two more nights.

After booking the first 6 nights through Booking, we meet Sarah and Chris from Germany. We learn from them: You can also negotiate at the hotel! The next 5 nights only cost us about half the price on Booking. We spend a cozy time together and take trips to Agonda and Patnem beach. Patricia also joins our group and we become a little family.
The family's favorite place to go is the authentic Italian restaurant. As a change from the same Indian dishes on Palolem beach.
With a heavy heart, we say goodbye and finally we plan our onward journey. (Not to forget: Sharing is caring / Sometimes u win sometimes India wins / wonderful fresh and healthy breakfasts at Zest)
