
Tag 99 - Caught the wrong ferry: France instead of Germany

Gepubliseer: 09.07.2019

Heeeeey guys

Today Mama's vacation came to an end again. We all got up relatively early - around 7:15 am no one could sleep anymore. Since she is usually quite nervous before a flight, she had been pacing around our little house for quite some time. Up and down and back again...

We all had breakfast together, packed up, and made our way to the airport. We arrived there as planned at 10 o'clock, took her to the terminal, and said goodbye. We had a really great few days!

Kevin and I had to go to Dover, where our ferry was leaving at 4 o'clock. Since we still had plenty of time, we made a halfway stop to do our laundry. Everything went well and we still had some time left in Dover. There, we stood by the sea and enjoyed the wonderful view of the white cliffs of Dover one last time. After about 15 minutes, we finally headed to the ferry terminal. Once we arrived there, we asked if we were in the right place for the ferry to Germany. "Sure, just keep going towards check-in," replied the lady at passport control. Alright, it should be fine. We went through a security check, where they checked the camper for weapons. However, the inspector was so talkative and friendly that he barely checked anything. We could have easily had every closet filled :).

At the next station, we received our tickets and then we boarded the ferry. There, we couldn't really do anything wrong.... We got a number, joined the line, and were directed onto the boat.....

On the ferry, we were actually supposed to get out of the camper, but we hid behind drawn curtains and took advantage of the two-hour crossing for a little nap :).

Once we were on land, we noticed the mistake... All the signs were in French and according to Google Maps, we were in France... Well, it wasn't so tragic for us, the journey takes the same amount of time from both ports. But I have no idea where the mistake happened.....

We drove off and in the first roundabout, there was a truck that had lost some of its cargo. Obviously too heavy to lift up on its own. Kevin drove the camper right into the middle of the roundabout and jumped out to help. Even with two people, they couldn't manage to do it, but then another truck driver arrived. The three of them managed to put the metal thing back on the loading area.

Alright, now everyone could continue. We just drove off towards home without a specific destination - we'll go as far as we can.

Camper parked and ready for today: Kevin did all the driving since the ferry! Although we were on the road for about five hours and we only have 350 kilometers ahead of us for tomorrow! Yes, we really made great progress today!

All pictures have also been uploaded and now we're done for the day.

See you again tomorrow!

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ich freue mich auf euch

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