
Seagull attack

Gepubliseer: 30.06.2019

3,500 cubic meters of water being forced through a strait in 1 second. The world's largest tidal current is ready: Saltstraumen.


We are really impressed by this force of nature. On the edge, you can see one giant whirlpool next to the other, and in the middle, it looks like a raging river. Insanity. The wind is whistling in our ears and it's so cold that we have to put Henry in his woolen suit. But at least it's not raining all the time.

There are anglers everywhere, wanting to grab one of the fishes being forced through the strait.

Whirlpool in Saltstraumen
Whirlpool in Saltstraumen

The crazy Russians next door are diving with wetsuits and harpoons, catching the biggest fishes.

As always, Henry has tested all the puddles at the campsite. Some of them were quite deep and the child was quite wet and happy afterwards.

Our puddle detector
Our puddle detector

During the second trip into the wet, Ole and Henry are attacked by a seagull. Now we also know what seagull babies look like. Cute.

Seagull chicks
Seagull chicks

Ole prefers to go fishing in calmer waters (thanks to Bianca and Julian for the great fishing set!) and therefore fries the cod he received as a gift at Polarcamp in the evening. Served with rosemary potatoes and carrots. Delicious!

It's raining again and we go to bed early. The next morning we get up early, do a big shopping and ferry over to the Lofoten. The journey takes almost 3 1/2 hours and it's raining here all the time, so unfortunately we can't see much.

The white caravan - waiting for the ferry
The white caravan - waiting for the ferry

In Reipå, we took the 2 thermos flasks from Ute and Norbert with us, they had left them there. That's why we're heading to Lofoten Beachcamp for now.

There we meet the two, deliver the bottles and immediately stay for a night.

As the name suggests, the place is right by the sea and a beautiful sandy beach. Henry is thrilled and races across the beach in his digging pants and back into the water.

Then he's really hungry and the three of us try a OnePot pepper pasta. Super easy and really delicious.

Too bad it's raining all the time again and it's only 10 degrees.

But: from tomorrow it's supposed to be beautiful. Not a single drop for 7 days. I can't believe it and I'm really happy.

