
Limestone paintings, harbor town and geocenter - Møn

Gepubliseer: 24.10.2023

In the morning we drove west on Møn's main road and passed through two villages with very special churches on the way to Stege.

Elmelunde Church

In Elmelunde and Keldby you can see lime paintings by the Elmelunde Master from the 15th century in the churches.

Keldby Church

They show scenes from the life and suffering of Jesus and were rediscovered and uncovered in the 19th century after being painted over during the Reformation.

Elmelunde Church

We then continued to the island's capital, Stege, where the old mill gate welcomed us into the city.

Mill gate footbridges

It is one of the two medieval city gates still preserved in Denmark.

Footbridges - Storegade

We continued walking through the main shopping street, Storegade, and looked at some of the small alleyways.


In front of the old brewery there is a beautiful backyard, which we viewed from the covered entrance area because it had started to rain.

Stege - Backyard Luffe's Gard

Back in the dry car we headed east again to the Møns Klint Geocenter. We had already looked at part of the exhibition the day before, but couldn't manage everything due to the shortened opening times at the end of the season.

GeoCenter Møns Klint

The interactive exhibition provides information about the formation of the chalk cliffs and Denmark. At virtual reality stations you can try out what life looks like from the perspective of a peregrine falcon on the chalk cliffs or how deep the previously common "masculinity test" goes. The man had to walk around a rock close to the abyss. With VR glasses you can see into the depths, but at least you can't fall down that far...

GeoCenter Møns Klint: Rocks of the “Manhood Test”

After watching two 3D films about the age of the dinosaurs, we headed west again. In Odense we made one last overnight stop in Denmark.


Reisverslae Denemarke