
ByeBye Cambodia. And hello again, beloved Thailand.

Gepubliseer: 26.01.2017

January 26th, 2017


The sun is scorching.

Our skin too.

So we did everything right. 😎

Recently, I thought that Sihanoukville (where we are currently still staying) has been the longest place where we set up our (imaginary) tents on our journey.

Although it's not the most beautiful place.

But one of the most interesting, I would say.

And definitely the one with the best weather! ☀

However, today we are leaving Cambodia already.

We are going back to Bangkok by night bus.

And you can't imagine how excited I am about this country. 💙

But first, endure the 15 hours on the bus. 😶

(Our vacation in 1 word: BUS RIDING)

These last days here we mostly spent at the beach.

And on the scooter.

We also visited a market again.

But since we have been to a dozen of them and this one is not really different from the others, there are no pictures of it.

You already know all that....

Oh. Except for this one.

Kinda gruesome.

The chickens were tied up and couldn't move a millimeter...

The day before yesterday we went to a water park.

For 3 dollars you could have fun and let the child in you out.

Although your ticket expires once you are back at the beach

That's a rip-off, we thought.


The 3 hours we endured were good.

We had a lot of fun and each got a sunburn.

In the evening, we visited the monkeys again.

I just never get enough of those creatures.

And Jule finally had a success and wasn't attacked. 😀

They were just attacking each other this time.

(I thought of you a lot, Puschel and Peggy.

The way they fought each other, it somehow seemed familiar to me. 😘😂💙)


Yesterday we were actually sunbathing at the beach all day.

But we didn't stay alone for long.

Someone joined us.

A gentleman.

Someone who was quiet, but very sociable.


He chilled with us in the sun.

He beat us at Rummikub.

He helped us with the music selection.

However, he has a few vices as well.

Although he usually takes great care of his health and especially his cell protection.

At some point, Kevin said goodbye and we were alone again.

Not much happened until the evening.

Since I don't want to tell you in detail about our food intake or the night, I will fast forward... ↪

This morning we got up.

Quickly jumped in the shower.

Then we had the best breakfast of our entire journey.

Then onto the scooter.

Quickly find the post.

Because there is no mailbox here anywhere.


Even there where they sell postcards, no one knew where we can drop them.

Done. ✔ Do it yourself.

On the way back, we found a super beautiful beach that we hadn't seen before. Because it was a bit hidden.

But there were hardly any people there.

Our luck. 😏

We stayed there for a few hours.

And since then we've been chilling in our guesthouse,...and packing at the same time.

Because in less than 2 hours we're already leaving. 🎉

So after the 1 week here, I can draw the following conclusion:

To be honest, I am extremely torn

On the one hand, there is the beautiful sea here.

The landscape is great. And above all very diverse.

The people are mostly kind.

BUT the poverty here casts a big shadow over all of this.

We have been to Thailand, then to Vietnam, and now here.

And you see really modern city centers in Thailand and also in Vietnam.

Cambodia doesn't have that at all.

Everything is very simple.

However, it is really strange that mega hotel complexes and fancy casinos are being built everywhere here, and just 3 meters away there are real slums where people live under inhumane conditions.

But that's how it is, right.

Rich and rich like to multiply.

And that's why some will keep making more money while the poor get even poorer... 

Anyway, I really noticed again how good we have it...

...And I leave Cambodia with a laughing and a crying eye, (as a Japanese saying goes)...

Antwoord (5)

Peg de
Musste mehrfach schmunzeln beim Lesen.... Hehe... Die Affen.. Und Kevin...einfach Hammer 😂💓

Peg de
Ach übrigens kam die Postkarte heute an...Dankeschön 😘

Danke, ich habe herzhaft gelacht... 😂 kevin is the best .. Viel Spaß beim Busfahren...

Top👍 wie immer...

Ach... Und bei mir kam heute auch wieder ne Karte....Danke😘

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