lets go somewhere
lets go somewhere

Plan change...

Gepubliseer: 02.12.2016

Actually, we wanted to continue to Santiago, but Fidel's passing has thrown our plans into disarray. Cuba is in upheaval.... 9 days of national mourning have been declared, which means, among other things, that music cannot be publicly played and alcohol cannot be sold for 9 days. The latter has particularly worried Daniel!

Santiago de Cuba is actually the music Mecca of Cuba... it's just a shame that no music can be played anymore :-(. We decided to change our plans and first go to Holguin and then to the beach in Guardalavaca.

Wow... these are exciting days in Cuba... in Holguin, we got a first impression of what is happening in Cuba's soul right now. The main square was full of people. They had all come to say goodbye and give Fidel a last greeting in the form of flowers, condolence book entries, or saluting. Really everyone. The masses seemed to be divided into groups from different areas. For example, first the school children came, then the nurses and doctors, the military, the police, the factory workers, etc., and always mixed with ordinary Cuban citizens. They stood in line for hours until each individual had their turn. We watched this spectacle impressed. These were very emotional moments that we were able to witness. Many Cubans were visibly moved. Whether young or old... everyone was sad. Tears were shed... Even if the younger generation is no longer satisfied with socialism and the associated daily hardships, all age groups seem to agree on one thing... Fidel was a great hero! In this context, we learned a new word.... FIDELISM! Fidelism prevails here!

We learned that these images of the mass farewell were not only taking place in Holguin, but throughout the country. On TV, there is only Fidel, 24 hours a day (however, there are only 2 channels). Meanwhile, at Revolution Square in Havana, the great heads of state from different countries have also come together to give great tributes to Fidel, and now his ashes are on his final journey through the country. Dramatically, as they are here, they will drive the exact same route backwards that they entered Havana 60 years ago after the revolution. The final destination of his journey is Santiaga de Cuba, where he will be buried on December 4th. We will also be there to pay our last respects.

Until then, we treated ourselves to a few relaxed days on the beach and found accommodation in a high-rise housing estate in Guardalavaca. Yes, you read that right... a "high-rise" ;-). But believe it or not... there are also wonderful accommodations here, great people, and very delicious food. The beach in Guardalavaca is a wonderful place to relax and people-watch. In the all-inclusive beach resorts near the beach, alcohol seems to flow even during the period of national mourning. We also encountered a noticeable number of middle-aged and older single men, as well as extremely curvaceous women, all of whom were probably looking for a special Cuban treat on their vacation. There were a few unpleasant sights ;-)


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