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"Enjoy it, time goes by so quickly" ...

Gepubliseer: 12.08.2018

... said the conductor on the train from Lautern to Freiburg. "In no time at all, my daughter turned eighteen."

The first train journey of our trip we enjoyed with little luggage and familiar comfort. In the coming months, we will be traveling with more luggage and the comfort will often not be able to keep up. One and a half years of preparation time are now over, we have started our journey. Many considerations and research have gone into the travel preparation and the choice of our equipment: starting with our suitcases, Antonia's life jacket, new sleeping bags and even the satellite phone. You don't want to have too much with you, but also not too little and certainly not the wrong things. We will find out how well we have succeeded in the coming months. You will find out. The suitcases and backpacks are packed, scans of travel documents stored, family and friends hugged - we're ready to go.

As a young family, we will enjoy our journey to the fullest (by trains, buses, and taxis), until a year from now when we say: "time went by so quickly".

Antwoord (1)

Genießt die Zeit und macht viele tolle Erfahrungen!

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