
Merk 45+46 San Cristobal

Gepubliseer: 05.02.2023

The last two days on San Cristobal. Yesterday morning it started to rain. Around 1:00 PM we ordered a beer at a beach bar. Not available for the next 4 days, explained the waitress. No alcohol! We looked at each other in surprise. Maybe there were some holidays. She translated on her phone and showed us. We had to smile. There are mayoral elections on Sunday, that's the reason for the alcohol ban. To prevent hot-headed, drunk people from influencing the elections unfavorably. Sylvia, the hostel owner, then explained to us that there used to be a driving ban on election day. Different countries, different customs. A cola was also okay for us 🤤

Since lying on the beach was not an option because of the weather, we went for a walk. And we were rewarded once again. Farina spotted the bird that was still on our to-do list. A booby, finally.

Day 46

Yesterday we walked to the right of the town, today we went to the left to the beach La Loberia with the adjacent hiking trail to a cliff where we had been before. With the thought in mind of seeing boobies. Galapagos did its best once again. We saw several boobies and also several sea turtles bathing in the sea.

Once again, I am very grateful to be able to visit and experience these islands. They are a true paradise and something very special due to their wildlife. It is the interaction between animals and humans here that is unique in the world.

For us, it was actually the alternative to Machu Picchu, maybe it was meant to be, who knows if I would ever have experienced this dream otherwise.
