
Sayohatnomalar Avstraliya

Eng yaxshi sayohat vaqti Avstraliya

Avstraliya diqqatga sazovor joylari

Yangi va tavsiya etilgan sayohat bloglari Avstraliya

Day 7: From Tin Can Bay to Town 1770

Dolphins and Rum Distillery Bundaberg

Day 6: Exploring Noosa National Park

Rainforest and Surfer's Beach

Day 5: Sunshine Coast unfortunately without Sunshine

Along the Sunshine Coast to Alexandra Headlands with the camper van

Tag 4: Brisbane - Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Up close and personal with the local wildlife

Day 3: Arrival down under and city stroll in Brisbane

First impressions on the new continent

Adelaide, the city of sunsets

My feeling on the ground tells me that Adelaide is quite underrated.