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$ {destinationName} моментлар

Яңа һәм үзенчәлекле сәяхәт блоглары АКШ

Pack the bull at the...

Our first night in New York was quieter than expected. No traffic noise, no loud sirens. The mornin...

We made it

Now we made it. After the alarm clock rang at 03:30 am, we set off to Basel early. Despite some turb...

Welcome Days NYC

The next morning, we already went to New York. OMG, I love this city! Everything really looks exactl...

Final Destination

Beginning and ending at LAX

Freshwater Captains

4 On the Pacific

Shopping Beach

Parking must be learned.

2000 miles

Almost the end 😢

Gray day on the west coast

The tour is coming to an end.