Tiblog ta Maendzo letintshwa & leti kombisiweke Stellenbosch Local Municipality

Doch noch ein Wal gesehen, oder war es nur ein Seehund

Unfortunately, today was the day again when we had to leave Cliff Lodge in Gansbaai, with Gill and G...

Ku nantswa Brandy (2.8.19) .

Namuntlha nimadyambu ndzi ye ndzi ya nantswa brandy na ntlawa. Khombo ra kona, a ndzi nga swi tsakel...

Ku nantswa Vhinyo (27.7.19) .

Phela ku nantswa wayeni i xiphemu xaku hanya eka tindzhawu ta wayeni ta Afrika Dzonga. Namuntlha hi ...

I'm Falling

what else have I done

What a weekend

A weekend with everything that goes with it

How to get there

The adventure begins. How I get from Stralsund to Stellenbosch via Wernigerode.