Nkarhi lowunene wo famba Ecuador

Ecuador swi kombisa

Tiblog ta Maendzo letintshwa & leti kombisiweke Ecuador

Ecuador: Otavalo

Meerschweinchen for Sale!

Ecuador: Galapagos (Part 3: Day 5-8)

Day 5: Charles Darwin Station

Cuenca, a cultural hotspot

Culture overload in two days

Baños - the Baden Baden of Ecuador

I'm a celebrity, take me to Baños!

Caught by Lasso

And of mountains and animals

Galapagos - Santa Cruz

This entry contains product placement (unpaid unfortunately)

Galapagos - Isabela

From overpowered nutshell boats to hopeless hikes

Finally Galapagos-San Cristóbal

It's worth reading to the bottom...

Transition with stimulus

Unbothered in the beautiful ghetto

Ecuador (6): RESTE

Das chaotische Ende meiner 2-monatigen Reise durch Peru und Ecuador...

Ecuador (5): GALÁPAGOS

Ein absoluter Traum! Wahnsinns-Wasser, Wahnsinns-Tiere und Wahnsinns-Landschaften... und Wahnsinns-P...