Tiblog ta Maendzo letintshwa & leti kombisiweke Toronto

Nkatsakanyo wa mavhiki manharhu (mune) yo sungula

Okay, sweswi ndzi hetelela ndzi kuma ku tsala swo karhi. Ndzi sungula kwihi... Hi nkarhi wolowo ndzi...

Goodbye Toronto!

Great, where do I stay tonight?

Favorite spot

There was nothing.

Arrived and yet not there

Toronto is a wondrous potpourri. The city is loud and smelly, and there is so much gray concrete to ...

Exploring Toronto #1 21.12.2016

...decorating gingerbread cookies with our host which really felt like at home and braught us a litt...

Arriving in Toronto 20.12.2016

I am happy, excited, somehow not nervous...