Nkarhi lowunene wo famba Australia

Australia swi kombisa

Tiblog ta Maendzo letintshwa & leti kombisiweke Australia

The first days in Perth

Exploring the city

Get to work!

Our first job as harvest workers

Alice Springs Again

A few more days in Alice Springs

Tnorala and 2.5 days in the West MacDonnell National Park

Great places in and around the West MacDonnell National Park

Mereenie Loop, Hermannsburg and Palm Valley

Super beautiful landscapes and great views!

Kings Canyon

Super beautiful day at Australia's largest gorge

Kata Tjuta and Field of Light

A fantastic day in Kata Tjuta and a special evening at the Field of Light

Rainbow Valley and Uluru

The drive to and day at the most photographed landmark in Australia

Babinda - The Boulders

the first days in the Outback

Cairns - the first impressions

the arrival in Cairns

Road trip from Katherine to Alice Springs

Our 2-day drive to the Red Centre

Birthday in Australia

A very chill birthday in Australia