Blogs de viagem novos e em destaque SC

El Chalten - between sun and rain

Our next destination was about 1000km further south. There are no notable stops on the way as there ...

Los Glaciares National Park

Impressive views of Perito Moreno Glacier and spontaneous trekking in El Chalten.

Hiking until your socks smoke in Patagonia

Jumping for joy in Torres del Paine National Park

Espetáculo natural no sul da Argentina

Ótimas caminhadas por maciços montanhosos distintos e lembranças duradouras do Glaciar Perito Moreno

Buenos Aires and beautiful Patagonia

Continue journey via Buenos Aires to the beautiful and impressive Patagonia to the Perito Moreno Gla...

El Chaltén

The winds that reach speeds of 50-60km/h invoke an end-of-the-world feeling, surpassing that of Ushu...

El Calafate

the thunderous, jet-like, rifle-shot noises when a chunk of ice falls into the water create a unique...