Diários de viagem Nova Zelândia

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Destaques de Nova Zelândia

Blogs de viagem novos e em destaque Nova Zelândia

No chithaeglir, last beth there: Rimmo n in bruinen dan in Ulaer!

Day trip part 1 to the river Bruinen, the natural border to Rivendell.

Queenstown - a little bit like Austria: right through the NZ Alps

Across Mount Aspiring National Park and over the Crown Range Road Pass.

Westland Tai Poutini National Park: Hike around Lake Matheson

Fox Glacier from a distance and hike around Lake Matheson instead of helicopter and quad bike tour.

Franz Josef Glacier / Waiau: The TouriHeliQuadHotSpot in the NZ Alps

Franz Josef Waiau below the glacier actually has only one purpose - to sell helicopter sightseeing f...

Hokitika Gorge, blowholes and pancakes...around Greymouth

A coffee later and another 30 kilometers inland along the Hokitika River to enjoy the Hokitika Gorge...

Coal and gold rush: Māwhera at the mouth of the Gray River

Māwhera or Greymouth - both place names have the same meaning.

Puponga / Wharariki Beach: Where Mr. Windows lives with his seals

The highlight of the day: the hike to Wharariki Beach, across meadows, pastures and dunes... to wher...

Pretty much done: Wellington, Picton, Nelson

Arrived at the Beachcomber Hotel in Nelson on the last stretch after a two hour drive through the mo...

Curious: Traffic light man woman with gastrointestinal problems and Thor's hammer

The moral commotion on the harbor tour: a shitty traffic light man woman!