ସର୍ବୋତ୍ତମ ଯାତ୍ରା ସମୟ ସ୍ପେନ୍

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ନୂତନ ଏବଂ ବ ured ଶିଷ୍ଟ୍ୟ ଭ୍ରମଣ ବ୍ଲଗ୍ ସ୍ପେନ୍

Day 7: Gran Canaria - our last EU station for a long time

Gran Canaria - Las Palmas and Puerto de Mogan

Day 4: A Coruna - Provincial capital of Galicia

A Coruna, the provincial capital of Galicia, greets with a 2000-year-old lighthouse.

The Basque Country....Welcome to Asturias...

Beautiful Asturias...on an open-ended journey in the old truck

Off to Portugal...

Santiago de Compostela