Bilbiloota Imala Haaraa fi Mul'atan Vancouver

Roadtrip Part I Vancouver

After boring you with mundane Canadian everyday stuff for the past few weeks, we are now moving on t...

Vancouver, oh Vancouver!

Unfortunately, since I've been in Canada, I've been sleeping relatively poorly and usually wake up o...

Bald ist es soweit!

Dies ist erst der Start unseres Reiseberichtes. Es geht Ende April los mit dem Flug nach Vancouver. ...

From Raincouver to Vancity

It rains in Vancouver

Vancouver coming up...

So there we were on the Greyhound bus on our way to Canada. Our bus driver, high as a kite, calmly d...

Tag 301: Kitsilano/Vancouver

From one of the most livable cities in the world

Vancouver has survived us

Jet lag is something nice, the only cure is exercise!

Stay awake for 24 hours

One ticket to Vancouver, please! To go, of course.