പുതിയ & ഫീച്ചർ ചെയ്ത യാത്രാ ബ്ലോഗുകൾ Ho Chi Minh City

A visit to Ho Chi Minh City

Finally out of the rain... into the city! We spent a day in Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon.

Day 169 Ho Chi Min aka Saigon

Auch das ist Vietnam. Nochmals eine völlig andere Seite dieses Landes

Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon)

'Too much heat in the freezer / Too much heat keeps you in check' // Bilderbuch

Crazy Saigon

We couldn't imagine much about Ho Chi Minh City (hereinafter referred to as 'Saigon' in the text). W...

Seadays and stuff :-)

We have more than enough seadays on this trip. 6 to be exact. What do we do on seadays? I thought I ...