Nova & Featured Travel Blogs Arequipa

Arequipa - the White City on the edge of the Andes

One of the most beautiful cities in Peru and the starting point for the Colca Valley

Arequipa, the White City (2300m)

So beautiful and yet sick

Day 34 - 39 / Arequipa

Monday, 02.04.2018 - 07.04.2018

La ciudad blanca - Day 1 in Arequipa

Our tour started in Arequipa, after nearly 18 hours of exhausting bus ride! Arequipa is a very small...

Peru (5): AREQUIPA

A litore mediterraneo

Arequipa et Colca Canyon

Arequipa urbs alba et secundae canyon profundissimae in mundo sunt in ambitibus phantasticis in medi...