
Жаңы жана өзгөчөлөнгөн саякат блогдору Veneto

8 From a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt, a day at the beach, and the most boring city in the world.

Upon arrival at our destination, we have a day at the beach and visit Mestre.

7 From a run-down accommodation, Venice and a lot of karma.

On the seventh stage of our alpine crossing, we reach Venice.

6 From a swim break with stones and an Italian villa.

At the sixth stage of our Alpine crossing, we slowly leave the Alps behind us.

5 Of beautiful Dolomites and a woman with a very firm handshake

On the 5th stage of our Alpine crossing, we ride through the Dolomites.

Around Lake Garda and back home via Ingolstadt (Italy Part 10)

All the hikes we wanted to do on this day had to be cancelled - either because of too many people or...