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Island hopping in North Frisia // Day 8 // A farewell Hallig cruise

With a significantly smaller ship, we go from Amrum to Nordstrand and from there further home.

Island hopping in North Frisia // Day 7 // Amrum-drum-erum

Amrum is smaller than Föhr. Meaning: if the bike circumnavigation worked there, it will work here to...

Island-hopping in North Frisia // Day 6 // Island change the 2nd time: Off to Amrum

The time on Föhr is already over. The last island awaits, the 'Naturally Beautiful': Amrum!

Insel-hopping in Nordfriesland // Day 3 // The Ellenbogen doesn't end

Everyone said a visit to Sylt without going to the Ellenbogen is not complete...I don't know...

Island hopping in North Frisia // Day 2 // The first real Frisian tea!

The day starts with a great breakfast at the 'Kleine Teestube' in Keitum.

Island hopping in North Frisia // Day 1 // Off to Sylt

Getting up at 03:45 am and then half-asleep from Cologne to the largest North Sea island!

Tag 58 - NaturaGart Underwater Park in Ibbenbüren

The dive site as an exhibition model from above

1. Travel day

Let's goooo now