


ギリシャ のハイライト


Greece from the perspective of the turtle

The village men decide where the safest place for my motorcycle is.

Crete 26/08/2018 to 09/09/2018

Approach to Heraklion

29.08.2018 - Departure to Peramos

Day 26, Thassos to Nea Peramos

28.08.2018 - Aliki

Tag 25, Aliki

26.08.2018 - Ruins of Limenas, Kastro, Waterfalls of Maries Part 2

Day 23 Part 2 Kastro and Waterfalls of Maries

25.08.2018 - Island tour, visited Aliki excavations, swam, visited Limena

Day 22, Thassos tour, Aliki, Ancient Aliki, Limenas