Afrika Selatan

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Blog Perjalanan Baru & Unggulan Afrika Selatan

Flushed, dived and overwhelmed - A weekend with sports, water and experiencing completely new musical dimensions

Port Elizabeth is a city where you can discover and do a lot. We wanted to get to know this variety ...

"The Windy City" - With Wind-Blown Hair to Jeffreys Bay and the Sacramento Trail

After exploring the wildlife of Addo in the inland the previous week, we were drawn back to the sea ...

Viel gesehen, viel erlebt - My previous weekend trips

I try to use the weekends especially to get to know my surroundings and thus the so diverse South Af...

The Addo Elephant National Park

As I had some time yesterday...

Cape Town, you have cast a spell on me!

Day 1 Sunset at the promenade