
यात्रा वृत्तांत बुल्गारिया

बुल्गारिया हाइलाइट्स

नए और चुनिंदा यात्रा ब्लॉग बुल्गारिया

Pirin 1 - Vihren

The Pirin Mountains were planned to be our highlight in the Bulgarian interior. And indeed, it was.

Plowdiw - a major city in the heart of Bulgaria

Plowdiw offered us warmer and at least dry weather again after the past few days. After a longer dri...

Autumn day in Sosopol

Despite the weather, we decided to drive to the promising Sosopol today.

Sunny Beach and Nessebar

Contrary to its promising name, Sunny Beach greeted us with ominously dark rain clouds and a strong ...