Blogs de viaxes novos e destacados Cape Town

Helicopter flight over Cape Town

Helicopter tour to the Cape of Good Hope, a different perspective on everything we have already expl...

Blouberg Beach

Excursion to Blouberg Beach with a stunning view of Table Mountain.

Cape Peninsula

An eventful day, visiting Muizenberg, St. James, Simon's Town, Boulder Beach with the penguins, the ...

Hopp On, Hopp Off

Wednesday was all about Hopp on/Hopp off, first we took the red double-decker around the whole route...

Capetown, here we come.....

We made the most of the first day, explored Victoria and Albert Waterfront, refreshed ourselves at M...

Cabo Superior (11.8.19)

Hoxe estabamos todos un pouco cansos e tivemos que dixerir o choque de onte. Só estabamos no BO-Kaap...

Península do Cabo 8/10/19

Hoxe saímos cedo para dar unha volta pola Península do Cabo.

Día da Muller en Kapstadt (9.8.19)

Hoxe foi un día festivo en Sudáfrica en homenaxe ás mulleres que protestaron contra o réxime do apar...

Kapstadt - Rodas Memorial V&A Waterfront Signal Hill (20.7.19)

Con algúns dos outros estudantes de intercambio fomos hoxe de novo a Cidade do Cabo.

Cidade do Cabo para o primeiro (13.7.19)

Hoxe fomos a Cidade do Cabo. Para poñernos de humor, fixemos outra excursión en autobús hop on hop o...

Week 11 and 12 - South Africa

We used the last few days to decide where to go in Africa. The plan was made and we knew that we cou...