
Cinn-uidhe mòr-chòrdte Sìona

An t-àm siubhail as fheàrr Sìona

Prìomh chomharran Sìona

Blogaichean Siubhail Ùra & Sònraichte Sìona

Day 93 The Forbidden City

Simply too many people

Day 92 The great Wall

An incredibly impressive structure

Day 89 Sightseeing Part 2

More impressions of Chinese history

Lost in Amsterdam?

Current status of my (rather unplanned) travel planning - UPDATE 19.07. (06:42)!!

Arrived in a new environment on Day 88

A bike tour through Beijing. Between crowded streets and crowds at the sights

3rd stop - Beijing

Beijing - Great Wall of China, Forbidden City

China in 72 hours

What a gigantic structure!...the Great Wall of China

Màrt agus Giblean

An dà mhìos mu dheireadh ann an ùine ghoirid

First Stop: Hong Kong

A bustling city with lots of green and beautiful places.

Hello Myanmar 🇲🇲 - the first week is already over

Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan & Nyaungshwe