The second stage
The first stage
On the 4th stage of our Alps crossing, we cycle through South Tyrol.
On the 3rd stage of our alpine crossing, we cycle over the Brenner Pass to Italy.
#südtirol #italien #meran
Autumn on the Ritten: A natural spectacle of the highest class!
Detour to the Gschnitz Valley
Ceart gu leòr...feumaidh sinn aghaidh air...tha a’ mhòr-chuid de na daoine singilte a’ cleachdadh ti...
“Gabh thairis air na pasan ma ghabhas sin dèanamh”...agus lean mi a’ chomhairle...ach an-toiseach sg...
....uell...ach a-mhàin...madainn mhath...tha èirigh na grèine uamhasach. Croissant le Nutella cuidea... fheàrr leis a bhith a’ snàmh nuair a tha e teth...agus leis gu bheil “cuspairean eadar-dhealai...
A’ chiad oidhche agam anns an stoc (bonn ;) chleachdaidhean maidne, faireachdainn iongantach de...
Gun sgàil, cairt dhubh, agus a-rithist...gun sgàil!! ìre iongantach cha mhòr 30 ceum...ach tha...
...smaoinich Hape aon rud an seo...
After an early wake-up call for the sunrise, it's time to hike back down into the valley - in Bolzan...