
Bidaia-koadernoak Txile

Bidaiaren denbora onena Txile

Txile aipagarrienak

Bidaia-blog berriak eta aipagarriak Txile

Christmas at the End of the World

Christmas in a completely different way

Pucon - Water in various forms

Pucon - Forest, waterfalls, raging river

Off into the hinterland - Lago Ranco

On Tuesday at 10 PM, my German friend Julia calls me: Hey Frieda, I spontaneously got two days off, ...

Weekend trip to Puerto Varas

But since we are still young, dynamic, vital and above all curious, we make the most of our weekends...

Currywurst with wine?!?

'Hey, Frieda, you're German, right? Can you cook me currywurst?'

Already a month passed...

I can hardly believe it. I have already been in South America for a month.

Pucón - last day

It's Sunday now, Marte and I are a bit sad that we have to leave already.

Day 3 - Gathering New Energy!

I wake up in my cozy little room in the hostel, the sun is even shining!