Новыя і рэкамендаваныя турыстычныя блогі Seoul

The Last Adventure in Seoul

Laughing Buddhas and heartfelt farewell

A Korean mom

And Korean hospitality

The flow of time

Stream of consciousness (pun intended)

Room with a view

Today just a short sign of life

Street food

"One of everything please!" 😅

Intercultural cake

Good conversations, delicious food

Myeongdong Monday

Where capitalism and faith shake hands

Changeable weekend

What happened Saturday and Sunday...

Damaged but satisfied

The first week is over.

All good things come in 3.5

When reality gets in the way

Rush Hour Ramen

Or: a day full of surprises

My first day in school!

The lazy days are over.

Nina Gangnam Style!

First mall, then meal 😉

Pötte & Köppe

A day in the rain

Jetlag? Achwoo...

Green oasis + sleepy phase

Short instructions

How does the blog work? Short explanation.

Why Korea?

I'll explain here why I'm interested in Korea of all places.

Seoul - Tradition and K-Pop

From Good Mood & Food

Seoul - Baaaaah

Of Japanese godfathers and urban sheep 🐑

Seoul - Oppa Gangnam Style

Of good food and accomplished missions.

Seoul - Back on track

Of Boomsticks and Dream Cities