ניו און ארויסגעשטעלטע רייזע בלאָגס Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai

Blue and white temples

Chiang Rai - White Temple and Black House (Thailand Part 10)

Just before Chiang Rai, we saw a very colorful temple. In Chiang Rai, we visited the artist-designed...

Bike tour to giraffes and zebras / Back to Chiang Mai

After a 14 km bike ride, finally arrived at Singha Park in Chiang Rai.

Temple, temple, waterfall, temple, cat cafe.

Wat Huay Pla Kang. A pagoda with eight floors plus ground floor.

Let's go to Thailand!

It can happen so fast, and you're already in the next country. This time one of my favorites, Jonas ...