Bonjour & Buenos Dias
Bonjour & Buenos Dias

Film set Olite & little pilgrim in Pamplona

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 19.09.2021

Today we had to leave our dreamy accommodation in Aizon. But in the morning we went for a walk around the village with Littlefoot. We also stocked up on fresh figs. Nothing beats fresh figs. We would have loved to cut down the entire tree and take it with us :-). Our first stop was the small town of Olite. It was recommended to us by the owner of our accommodation yesterday! That was really more than a super recommendation. A huge castle palace is integrated into the small town center. It looked very impressive. But before that I have to write something. When we left Aizon, we decided to take the country road again. We had to drive through some small villages and what can I say? They all seemed deserted, maybe there was a single person to be seen. That was eerie. But when we drove to the parking lot in Olite, HELP, there were many motorhomes and almost all parking spaces for cars were occupied. We were really amazed. So here they all were!!!! :-)

The castle complex is gigantic and absolutely worth seeing. Outside there were several places with numerous wineries. The atmosphere was lively - it was amazing to see. We also found a nice spot and enjoyed a delicious meal. On the way to the parking lot, I said to Daniela, 'look there, that's a film set'! Daniela didn't believe it and went to a guy. He just said, 'he can't say anything, just 'NETFLIX'. We found out that scenes for the series 'Vampire Academy' will be filmed there from September 2021 to February 2022. The castle palace is perfect for that. Yes, we were very impressed with the village of Olite!!!!

Now we continued to Pamplona. We arrived here around 3:00 PM and again, there was nothing going on. Daniela and I were really confused. We even checked the internet to see if there was a national day of mourning or something similar in Spain today. But no, there was nothing. We parked our car and walked to the old town on foot. We occasionally passed a few people, it was really eerie. Daniela pointed to a head at an open window (3rd floor) and said, 'is that a wax figure'? No, look closer, he is moving and I greeted him friendly, but the old man monotonously scratched the lower window frame. Hmmm, I quickly looked away, but Daniela said, look at the frame at the bottom, it seems to be frequently scratched there. The frame was completely worn out at that spot! We quickly moved on and already thought that if we don't see more people in this ghost town, we'll leave :-()!

But when we arrived at 'Plaza del Castillo', there were people and Pamplona slowly came to life. The narrow streets with colorful little houses and beautifully decorated facades suddenly seemed much livelier. A smile appeared on our faces and we took pictures like crazy. We visited numerous sights and then strolled back to the car through a botanical garden.

Tonight we are staying just outside Pamplona in a small hotel. Tomorrow we will head back to France - Bordeaux -!

Earlier, Daniela even said, 'I never thought I would say that, but I'm looking forward to being back in France...' Well, as beautiful as the experiences in Spain (and with our Spanish 'friends') were, France and especially the French have won our sympathy on this trip - surprisingly eager to learn foreign languages, always saying "Bonjour", GREAT food and very dog-friendly :-)))

In that sense... good night :-)!
