
Tag 50: Border crossing to Cambodia

Ipapashiwe: 27.04.2018

We had already read many horror stories about crossing the border into Cambodia. So we nervously set off towards Cambodia. First by minivan, then by ferry, and then by minivan again to the border. There we were let loose. On the other side, there seemed to be a new minivan waiting for us. But by the time we reached the border, 3 people had already tried to pass themselves off as our 'new' driver. The exit from Thailand and entry into Cambodia went smoothly. But where was our new minivan on the other side? Eventually, we saw a fellow traveler from our Thai minivan on the side of the road. She said this was our agency to continue with. When asked how she was so sure, she only replied 'Female intuition'. Well, we spent 2 hours playing cards and hoping that her intuition was right. And indeed, after 2 hours, we continued to Sihanoukville without any problems. The driver's driving style was rather reckless, but somehow we survived the journey. 10 kilometers before we reached our destination, the van stopped on the side of the road and said its brakes were broken, and we had to change vans. Are we surprised? Definitely not...

Finally arrived in Sihanoukville and our hostel, we treated ourselves to a beer and a really good burger. What a day...


Iingxelo zohambo Khambodiya