

Hallo wir sind Manfred und Anna :) Wir haben am 20. September unsere Reise um die Welt gestartet und wollen euch mit unserem Blog auf dem Laufenden halten!

Day 104 - 176: Our work at DoubleDutchFries

Day 104 - 176: Our work at DoubleDutchFries

Working in Auckland - DoubleDutchFries

Day 91, 92, 93 and 94 - Christmas at the Beachhouse and the Meeting with the Sharks

Our Shark Dive - one of the most intense experiences of our lives - Christmas in Fiji

Day 87, 88, 89 and 90 - Nanuya Island, a beautiful Fiji island

Nanuya Island - Our beach bungalow and the blue lagoon

Tag 74, 75, 76 and 77 - Bogotá and the way to Fiji - our longest journey so far

Colombia's capital, Museo del Oro, San Jose, and some little anecdotes from our journey

Day 65, 66, and 67 - The beautiful Valle de Cocora and the journey to Cali

The breathtaking Valle de Cocora and the salsa capital Cali

Day 62, 63 and 64 - Plaza Botero, the Botanical Garden, Salento, and Colombian coffee cultivation

Plaza Botero and the Botanical Garden in Medellin - Salento, Filandia, and a tour of the coffee fiel...

Day 61 - The Medellín Cartel and Pablo Escobar

The Pablo Escobar Tour in Medellín

Day 58, 59 and 60 - Park Arvi, Guatape, and the Piedra del Penol

The cable car to Parque Arvi, the nature park, Piedra del Penol, and Guatape - Some of the most beau...

Day 53, 54, 55, 56, and 57 - Arrival in Medellín, Comuna 13, and a forgettable accommodation

Arrival in Medellín and the sad but interesting story of Comuna 13

49, 50, 51 va 52-kun - Gavana, salsa va u bilan bog'liq osilganlik

Kuba poytaxtida bo'lishimiz - ko'p qirrali shahar

46, 47 va 48 kun - Trinidad <3 va Playa Ancon

Trinidad va uning atrofidagi milliy bog'ning go'zal kengliklari - Playa Ancon, Kubaning eng go'zal p...

43,44 va 45-kun - Playa Larga, Punta Perdiz (cho'chqalar ko'rfazi) va Cienfuegos

Playa Larga va cho'chqalar ko'rfazi - bizning dunyo bo'ylab sayohatimiz va Cienfuegosdagi ikkinchi s...

Day 33: Chichen-Itza one of the new 7 wonders of the world

Some impressions of the historic city Chichen-Itza, Yucatan - Mexico

Day 29, 30, 31 and 32: Valladolid - a small but lovely town in the center of Yucatan

A little insight into the beautiful area around Tulum and Valladolid

Day 26, 27, and 28: Tulum, a world between luxury and cenotes

The beautiful underwater world of Tulum's cenotes and much, much more :)

Day 25: Diving Trip in the Caribbean

First Dive in the Caribbean Sea

Days 19 and 20: Gambling in Las Vegas

Las Vegas experience - winner, winner chicken dinner

Day 17 and 18: The Route 66

From Williams via Seligman, Hackberry, Kingman to Oatman

Day 15 and 16: The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon and everything around it :)

Day 13 and 14: Universal Studios and stopover Las Vegas

Universal Studios and Las Vegas for the first time