
Tag 107 - Not an Unusual Sight

Chop etilgan: 19.02.2018

This afternoon, I stumbled upon this motionless young man who didn't really look like a down-and-out homeless person. After taking the shot, I checked somewhat ashamed if he was still breathing. Wrong order.

As mentioned before, the number of homeless people seems to be very high to me. Not all of them have bags and bags with their belongings, some seem to have nothing but their clothes. Every now and then, I pass a maybe 14-year-old boy who sleeps in a certain doorway, pulling his sandals over his arms so they won't be stolen from him. At home in Germany, I admittedly go out of my way to avoid "such" people, here they are close in the double sense: because of their frequency and then because of the naturalness with which the Nicas accept them, occasionally chatting with them as if they were old acquaintances, and not driving them away from private or public buildings. Only once was I coincidentally a witness when a woman came home and found four or five homeless people in front of her door and without warning took out the hose.

Against this background, I do not want to complain that it was unbearably hot and sultry today and that my favorite pool was not accessible because of an event.
