Seal for breakfast

Басылган: 17.03.2019

Um...not for eating, but while I was eating my breakfast granola bar, I watched seals (about 2m away 😁)

One of them was also quite startled when they noticed me. Maybe I'm not so presentable in the mornings 🤔

So first stop today was Moeraki to watch seals. There are also naturally formed conglomerate balls on the beach, quite special.

And yes, there really are so many sheep here!

Then I continued to Oamaru, a pretty quirky small town, very 'English' on one hand because a lot is built in the Victorian architectural style, but on the other hand they are totally into Steampunk.. especially the Steampunk Headquarters was chaotic. Well, something different!

But the real highlight came this evening, I actually saw penguins! 61 in total 🤗

They are sooo cool! You're not allowed to take pictures of them, so as not to disturb them, that's why there's no evidence, but you just have to believe me!

On the way back, I finally got my St. Paddy's Guinness, so a compensation for the lousy day yesterday. Sláinte and see you soon! 🍺🇨🇮

.Авап (1)

Ich glaub s dir, hätte sie aber schon so gern gesehen!