
Senegal 2023 - journey into the past

Басылган: 24.10.2023

"Where are we going for fall break?" was the question we asked ourselves six months ago. Disillusionment when looking at the Hessian school holidays: we only have 1 week of holiday. So “further away” isn’t in it…is it?

Thanks to parent-teacher conferences at our school, the kids and I can start on Friday, so we've gained a day.

We research online, we don't really have an idea. The husband announces his desire for sun, beach and sea. In the Mediterranean region you can be lucky or unlucky when it comes to temperature in mid-October. Unfortunately, we are not so optimistic. Maybe a package trip to the Canary Islands? Egypt? Cape Verde?

All offers are not that tempting. Either incredibly expensive or not really “our thing”, as an individual tourist I have a hard time with the classic all-inclusive hotels.

Egypt is out of the question because our desired destination, Marsa Alam, either doesn't have a direct flight for our desired travel period or is simply incredibly expensive. The last time we were there was when the kids were little. Now they are big, 2 rooms are needed - they are expensive...

We don't like Canary Islands. Nothing is offered in Cape Verde. Difficult. I'm researching "further afield". If necessary, go back to the family in Abu Dhabi?

We are undecided, luxury problems...

When I search for package holidays, I end up in the “Africa” section at some point and see an offer that is almost €4,000 cheaper than the classic 4**** all-inclusive on the Canary Islands. Oh, let's see what that is:

5***** "New opening offer" at RIU BAOBAB, 40% "Off".... In Senegal!!!

It was actually clear: no matter which airline is behind it, no matter how long the journey is: it HAS to be Senegal.


My husband grew up in Senegal!!! As a child he lived in Dakar for many years, attended primary school there and spent weekends at Club Aldiana for many years - but it hasn't existed for a long time, which is why we never really gave Senegal a thought.

The offer turns out to be a TUI trip with Turkish Airlines via Istanbul, short connection time, there early on Friday morning, return on Sunday. Perfect! 9 days, click, booked!

The husband is in a rollercoaster of emotions - so is his family.

Back to the roots!

We're flying to Senegal!


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