
June 9th/71st day (Pentecost Sunday): Lauzerte - Mossiac

Ku kandziyisiwile: 12.06.2019

I approach Pentecost Sunday openly, not knowing what it will bring me.

It will be a day full of encounters. The distance for Pentecost Sunday is not that long, only 27 km in a relaxed manner.

Lauzerte in the morning sun on Pentecost

After a short distance, an old pigeon house, pigeons were eaten and the manure used for fertilizing.

Cherries are offered by the roadside in exchange for a donation.

Then I meet Erik, a Luxembourgian who retired at the age of 55, I walk with him for over an hour. He walks an average of over 40 km daily, which is too much even for me. It rains, but the rain passes quickly.
I start a conversation with an American and a French woman, and then I have a conversation with Jerome and Regina, a slightly older couple, on a rest bench. Jerome speaks good German, is enthusiastic about Marie Curie, and we talk a lot.

Maybe we will see each other again?
After arriving at the Gîte in Mossiac, I walk through Mossiac with Andreas, a German.
Canal des Deux Mers: the extension of the Canal du Midi
The evening ended well in community.

However, I still found a message from my friends in Arnstadt, who took care of Babsy, not fair:
