
Tag 30 - Samos nach Barbadelo

Nai-publish: 13.05.2024

After my laundry wasn't dry last night because the dryer wasn't working properly, I discovered this morning that my laundry hadn't dried overnight either, even after hanging it up. I called the accommodation's phone number and a cleaning lady was supposed to give me the money back for the laundry and help me solve the problem. I couldn't/didn't want to pack the laundry wet in my backpack. The simple idea of turning the dryer on again for 20 minutes was a good idea. Long story short: After the cleaning lady had to put in countless more money and a short wait of 2 1/2 hours, my laundry was finally dry enough for me to pack it. Usually 20 minutes in the dryer is enough, as the clothes are all specially designed to dry quickly. At around 11am I finally left the accommodation. Shortly afterwards I reached a pharmacy on the outskirts of Samos. I just wanted to quickly buy some painkillers here. But the pharmacist is starting her Way of St. James next month and was bombarding me with questions. I didn't want to be rude and I was also very grateful that I had gotten the IBU 600 without a current prescription and for only 1.90€ (40 pieces).
So my day started somewhat unexpectedly at 11:30 a.m. It was a good thing I wanted to leave earlier because it was supposed to rain from midday onwards.
Because of the late start, there are not so many pilgrims on the trail, which I think is a good thing. The first few hours of the trail run along a river, with small waterfalls in between. When the first climbs come, it quickly becomes apparent that it had rained the night before. It is very muddy and makes the short, but sometimes very steep sections difficult.
Suddenly the path seemed to end abruptly. As I got closer, I realized the problem. A very large tree had fallen over (probably during the storms a few days ago) and was blocking the path. But because everything around it was heavily overgrown, you basically had to climb through the treetops to get to the other side.
It had started to drizzle slightly. But it was also quite humid. So I continued walking in a T-shirt and only put the rain cover on my backpack so that nothing got wet. I had only just managed to get my clothes dry 🤣
There were a few (what felt like) deserted villages along the way. In two of them there were supposed to be hostels or bars, but these were also closed or for sale. So I continued without any real opportunity to take a break. In between I had already eaten some of my emergency rations because I was really hungry. It had also started to rain a little harder so I could inaugurate my new poncho. This is not as warm as the jacket and closes the gap between the jacket and the backpack on my back, which had given me the hotel suite last week 🤦🏽
When we finally arrived in Sarria, we went to a restaurant in the old town and had a decent meal. Here we had the best pilgrim menu I've ever had, for a very good €12, and it was the first time in 4 weeks that I didn't have to pay extra for my soft drink, even though I don't drink wine. So really great.
It had started to rain very heavily. So I put on my rain pants, my jacket and then the poncho over that to be prepared for the rest of the journey. As good and waterproof as I am on the outside, my body was not very breathable and so I was soaking wet with sweat in no time. But I stayed dry. 🙏
The so-called motorway from Sarria, where hundreds of pilgrims start every day, was completely deserted for me. Firstly because it was so late, but above all because there was no one outside of Sarria in the pouring rain.
But it was still a beautiful route. Partly along a railway line, over a river and through forests and fields, we continued on to Barbadelo.
During dinner and afterwards sitting together with Ryan, Julie, Tom, Verle and (I forgot the name), we had a lot to laugh about stories that we have experienced so far on the Camino.
Tomorrow we will hopefully head towards Portomarin a little earlier than today, or a little further, so as not to stay in these big stopover towns.
Cost of the day:
Accommodation 14€Breakfast 6€Food on the way 14€ Dinner 16€
Sagot (1)

Tita Maru
Un día duro. Has tenido que superar muchos obstáculos, pero lo has conseguido. Adelante peregrino. Buen camino

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