
Day 7 - Insights

Nai-publish: 10.11.2017

Today, Luis (the teacher of the classes "Kittens", "Goldfish", and "Cats", among others) divided the classes into small groups again. Maggie and I will then work with 2 - 3 children each, using the Spanish book for help. It really makes me sweat. For example, when I am missing a vocabulary word and don't know how to explain the task. It also overwhelms me when individual students are clearly behind the level of the others. I almost have to start all over again. But I can't because the other two are already tugging on my sleeve. I'm afraid I can't do justice to anyone. That leaves me completely dissatisfied every time. Have I achieved anything at all? Have they taken away even a tiny bit from this lesson? And how do the children feel about it? I better not ask...

This morning, I had a double period of Spanish class myself. Elisa, MY patient teacher, and I talked about education in general and in Nicaragua in particular. Primary school teachers (grades 1-6) have only attended school for 9 years and university for 2 years. There are 30-40 children in the classes, sometimes even more. For their efforts, they are rewarded with about $200 per month. The teachers, not the children. A family of four needs $400 to cover the basic necessities. Accordingly, the motivation level is also low. Normal doctors earn a similarly low amount. A second job is then necessary. Nowadays, there are problems here in getting young people excited about such a profession.

As I write this, TV noises are coming up from below. A soap opera, once again. Probably Mexican, with dramatic close-ups of the protagonists, who are masquerading and beautifully made up. I hardly understand a word, but I understand that it must be about life and death here at least. The actors are so artificial, it's downright fascinating. The Nicas love it!

The photos show the "Kittens" in the classroom. Then a few shots of a game that was played outside today for a change of pace. And a sunset viewed from my balcony.

Temperature is around 30 degrees, slight wind, no clouds.
